Executive Edge, Inc.
Appreciative Inquiry is a new approach to organizational development that focuses on what works in the organization. It was created by David Cooperrider, a professor at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH.
Our experience over the past several years is that the Appreciative Inquiry process can be accelerated, deepened and intensified by integrating structured experiences combined with guided reflective processes (Experiential Learning [EL]) that are imbued with the AI philosophy and embedded into the Appreciative Inquiry 4-D Cycle.*
Experiential Learning that is skillfully integrated into an Appreciative Inquiry literally makes the entire AI process come alive. EL accelerates learning, team building and change processes. In addition, EL rapidly develops rapport, builds empathy, deepens trust and heightens mutual understanding among all stakeholders.*
Executive Edge's team building programs accelerate change by integrating Appreciative Inquiry with Experiential Learning.
- Enhance team or organizational learning through a series of Experiential Learning activities that:
- Challenge preconceived notions of "what might be" by locating the best of "what already exists"
- Demonstrate the power and value of teamwork by highlighting how your team gives life to your company
- Create opportunities for team or organizational "peak experiences" - real time moments when your entire team or organization "lives" its dreams
- Provide opportunities to practice continuous improvement by illuminating the underlying principles, core values and exemplary practices that support your team in achieving its "ideal future state"
- Help the AI process to "come alive" kinesthetically, creeating "muscle memories" of affirmative communal futures
Our book:
Experience AI: A Practitioner's Guide to Integrating Appreciative Inquiry with Experiential Learning
This book was recently completed by Executive Edge's Miriam Ricketts and Jim Willis as an addition to the Taos Institute's Focus Book Series on Appreciative Inquiry (AI).
The book describes the value of integrating AI with Experiential Learning (EL) for inspiring people to reach their greatest potential together.
In the book, Jim and Miriam describe the process for integrating Appreciative Inquiry with EL, provide case studies of programs where AI and EL were successfully integrated and invite you to continue a conversation for future application and development of the concepts.
To order your copy go to
The Taos Institute or
Amazon websites.
AI Open Enrollment Workshop:
Experience AI:
Integrating Appreciative Inquiry With Experiential Learning
This 2-day highly interactive workshop shows you how to integrate Experiential Learning models, tools and techniques with Appreciative Inquiry in order to accelerate positive change, motivate teams and individuals, generate buy-in and engage people at all levels. (A 1-day "Introduction to AI" workshop is also available prior to each delivery for those new to Appreciative Inquiry).
For more information about Appreciative Inquiry please
contact us or call us at 1-800-632-3343.